Wednesday 3 February 2021

A Dream for Peace: An Ambassador's Memoir - Black and White interior photos by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah read for free

A Dream for Peace: An Ambassador's Memoir - Black and White interior photos

by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah 

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About Book 

A   Dream for Peace is the most captivating Ambassador's Memoir. .Young Ghoulem Berrah was a Freedom Fighter for the Independence of Algeria. While an activist medical student in Bordeaux, France, he fled the country to enroll in the Algerian war. A few years later, he traveled toThe United States as a prestigious Fulbright Scholar at Indiana University in Bloomington. His research spearheaded innovations which impacted the world of Biological Sciences. He was listed among the American Men of Science.After earning his PHD ,Dr. Ghoulem Berrah became a permanent member of the New York Academy of Sciences and was hired to be a professor at the Yale School of Medicine.Concerned by the lack of Worldwide Peace, he resigned from his tenure at Yale and accepted an offer from President Houphouët-Boigny of Côte d'Ivoire. He served as a Special Advisor, Emissary, and Ambassador at Large. A talented diplomat he faced the turmoil of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict head on, challenged the status quo and embraced both dialogue and peace between Israel and his Arab neighbors.In 1976, he initiated the first secret meeting between the I C I P P (Israeli Council for Israeli-Palestine Peace) and the PLO of Chairman Arafat. A tireless proponent of world peace, after President Siad Barre of Somalia took the port of Berbera from the Russians, Dr. Berrah was charged with delivering the news to the American President Jimmy Carter. In the middle of the diplomatic imbroglios, the author unfolds the chronicle of a fascinating love story. A devout Muslim and interfaith Leader, he walks with you through Mecca, the Vatican and Jerusalem. A compelling story for any reader.

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