Wednesday 23 October 2019

Lifeline of gir

Loose you to love me
Lose You to Love Me" is a song by American singer Selena Gomez, as the lead single of her upcoming third studio album. It was released by Interscope Records on October 23, 2019. The song was written by Gomez, Julia MichaelsJustin Tranter, and its producers Mattman & Robin, with additional production by Finneas.

This song is  emotional ballad is an idea to self-love and a sense of hope. A track that already seems well on its way towards becoming a hit, thanks to its powerful lyrics paired with some moving tunes, it is accompanied by a black and white video.
The video itself has mesmerising visuals and shows Selena singing alone in a room to the tunes of her piano. Sharing the video on Twitter, she wrote, "Thank you all for standing by my side through the highs and lows. I couldn’t do it without you all and I can’t wait to start my next adventure with you. Lose You To Love Me is out now."
The lines ‘In two months you replaced us like it was easy,’ had fans taking to Twitter to speculate that the song was about her former boyfriend, Justin Bieber.
Fans of 'Jelena’ (Justin and Selena) are well aware of her on-and-of  relationship with Bieber. They had a thing until last year before Beiber moved on in his life with Hailey Bieber. Justin Bieber and Hailey decide to tie the knot merely after three months of dating. The couple, last month, got married for the second time in a grand manner.
The lyrics of the song was replete with subtle hints for fans to speculate that the song was from the romantic time of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez. Earlier, the singer had hinted at new music video, when she shared a throwback photo from her childhood and captioned it saying 
Taylor swift also shared a story of Selena Gomez song

Thursday 18 July 2019

Milind chandwani mtv roadies real hero

Name - Milind Chandwani
Education and Work - Ex-IT guy turned Social Worker, Teach for India fellow, ITeach School Leader
Founder - Camp Diaries (Please check us out and like us on FB)
Insta account click here

Milind chandwani   is a Real Life Hero. Due to his inspiring Story, he is Directly Entered as a first contestant in MTV Roadies Real-Life hero. He Inspired Many People by his Inspiring Story. he is a well-Educated person. He Completed Computer/IT Engineering and he is also a social worker who Runs an NGO Foundation

The Foundation is Work for the people and The Foundation is helping the kids around him. Milind also Work as a Teacher in his NGO he teaches his student to Play Guitar, Music, Rap and some other Activities in his Foundation. he is also working as a Government Principal in Pune Government School. Milind Dream to open many schools to teach poor kids Who having High dream in his Eye.

He Impresses all the Gang Leader and the Judge of MTV Roadies Real Heroes with his message to help the other to fulfil their dream. He is a founder of Camp Diaries by which each kid in the foundation Deserve to write their own story and Follow their Passion.

If want know more about milan then watch mtv roadies 
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Wednesday 17 July 2019

The one

#3 book in series of selection 

Short summary 
The time has come for one winner to be crowned.

When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants. 

The book begins with another rebel attack occurring, though it's very brief and non-violent. When America returns to her room, she finds a letter from her sister Mayinforming her of the birth of their niece, AstraKenna and James's daughter.

Two leaders of the Northern rebels, a man and a woman, arrive at the palace, taking advantage of the King's absence for a business trip in France, and demands to speak secretly to Maxon and America. They introduce themselves as August Illéa and his fiancée Georgia Whitaker. America recognizes her as the girl who saw her hiding up in a tree in The Elite, and bowed to her, during a previous rebel attack. August is a direct descendant of Illéa's founder, Gregory Illéa, but he doesn't want the crown. He insists that the Northern rebels actually support the monarchy and especially Maxon. They only want nominated officials and an end to the castes. The Southerners, however, want to kill off the royal family, take over Illéa, and leave all of the people in the lower castes in the same place they are now, although making promises to change their lives.

When Maxon asks him what exactly they want from him, if not money, August says that they want him to choose America as his wife, as they admire her for every brave thing she has done. Maxon refuses to let them force him into this decision. America, although she supports their goals, is also angry that they want her as their pawn.

During The Report, the King announces publicly that the rebels are now attacking people by caste, the castes of the four Elites, starting from the Twos and working their way down to Fives. America encourages the people of Illéa to fight back the rebels.

During a date with Maxon, he takes her up to the roof of the palace, where they both get wet under the rain and share secrets with each other. Dancing under the rain, they kiss passionately. America realizes that she really loves Maxon, but doesn't admit it to him.

One morning, America finds Celeste crying alone in the library, because of the sudden popularity America gained after the last Report. Celeste admits that she is jealous of her and afraid of her own future, because her career as a model will finish when she grows older. She needs the crown's fame more than she needs Maxon's love. She apologizes to America for the bad things she has done during the Selection and they become friendlier with each other.

America asks the help of Aspen to get her and Maxon to meet August. That night, they both dress as Sixes. Aspen and Officer Avery take them to August and Georgia's home. August reveals that there are already three hundred Twos dead around the country by Southerners. He asks Maxon for weapons so that the Northerners can fight the Southerners, something that Maxon has to think carefully about. When they leave, they are attacked by a group of Southern rebels with guns. They all manage to escape and return to the palace, but America is shot in her right arm, a non-fatal wound, which Anne and Marlee help to clean and stitch up.

A tea party will be held and each of the Elite has to invite two guests. America shares with Maxon her plan about the tea party: she invites the Italian princess Nicoletta and Georgia. When they meet each other, Georgia explains to Nicoletta the goals of the Northern rebels and asks her to fund their weapons so they can fight the Southerners. After contemplating, Nicoletta finally accepts this request, as she wants her country to support the future of Illéa, a possible ally.

Maxon gives as a present to America a set of earrings and a matching bracelet. It's tradition for the prince to present the Elite with jewelry that they wear in the Convicting. In this event, the Elite must publicly and in front of the royal family condemn some criminals to jail, instead of whipping. The other Elite send the criminals to jail for some years, but when America faces a thief who is punished to jail for life, for only stealing some clothes for his children, she is unable to do this. She realizes that this was the King's plan, to make her appear either disobedient or merciless to the public. As an only solution, she offers her earrings, her bracelet, and her father's necklace to the man, to pay off his debt to the king, thus releasing him from jail.

King Clarkson angrily forces Maxon to kick America out of the Selection, but Maxon insists that she is now too popular to leave. The King calls America and Maxon some days later to his office and informs them that the Italian royal family has invited the King's family to Italy, also asking for America to accompany them. He asks her how she became so friendly with them and managed to make the two countries almost allies, something that Illéa hasn't managed for decades. Realizing that America is too valuable and popular, the King decides that she can stay.

On Christmas Day, Maxon shows America his room. She admires his photo collection, noticing hundreds photos of her on his wall. He asks her again about her feelings for him and he kisses her passionately to "force" her to finally admit her love. Before it happens though, a guard arrives, announcing to America about her father's death, due to a heart attack.

America returns to her home in Carolina for the funeral. America's mother dismisses May and Gerad from the room, and asks for Kenna, Kota, and America to stay. She then gives each of them a letter from their father that he wrote before his death. In America's letter, her father, among his loving words, informs her that when he went to the palace on Halloween, he had found Gregory Illéa's diaries in her room and informed others about this. He did this for her sake, however, and he tells her to "look unto the North Star." America combines these words with the way his signature looks like the North Star, the stars on Georgia's jacket, and many other memories and realizes that her father was a Northern rebel.

When America returns to the palace, she finds that all the Selected girls are there to celebrate the engagement of Maxon with one of the only two remaining Elite: Kriss and America. Maxon has decided to end the Selection and will announce his choice the next morning. America realizes that the necklace Kriss wears depicts the North Star, revealing that she is also a Northern rebel. America confronts Kriss about this and Kriss tells her that at first she was in the Selection because she was a rebel, but then adds that when Maxon and America were fighting after Marlee's caning, she saw a chance to get close to Maxon and she fell in love with him.

America, no longer in a celebrating mood, leaves the party and goes to her room. Later, Maxon comes to visit and tells her that he has chosen her to be his wife and future queen. They begin making out and they ultimately admit their love for each other. They get undressed, almost to their underwear, with America telling him that she loves his back scars, because they are a sign of his love for her. A sudden noise in the hallway though stops them from going any further. Maxon simply sleeps next to her, both of them feeling safe and loved.

The next morning, when Maxon begins tickling America and she screams because of this, Aspen barges into her room and catches them during this semi-intimate moment in their underwear. He leaves in a hurry and America feels ashamed. Maxon later leaves to get ready for the engagement announcement. America talks to Aspen about what he saw, putting her hands on his chest. At that moment, Maxon appears again with Kriss and they are both shocked. Maxon finally realizes that Aspen was the man America had in mind all these months. Completely heartbroken and hurt, Maxon tells her that he can't marry her after discovering this and orders Aspen to get out of his sight before he sends him to New Asia to die. America tries to explain the situation, but Maxon refuses to listen and leaves with Kriss.

During the engagement ceremony, America prepares herself to hear Maxon announce his choice of Kriss. A lot of people attend the event, including all the Selected girls, August, Georgia, and even some of the Northern rebels in secret. Suddenly, Southern rebels dressed as guards start shooting, killing Celeste and Anne among many people. A rebel attempts to shoot America, but Maxon leaps toward her to save her life and gets hit below his left shoulder. Close to death, he apologizes to America for almost not choosing her, saying that he loves her to his last breath and that his heart belongs to her, so she can "break it a thousand times if she likes." He orders Aspen to save America, not him, and Aspen obeys, taking her to a safe room with the intention of returning and saving the Prince too.

America tries to escape from the safe room with a gun she found by shooting at the door, but to no avail. She promises to herself that if Maxon survives, she will allow him to call her "my dear." August and Gavril, who is revealed to also be a Northern rebel, finally come to set her free. The Northerners managed to fight back the Southerners with the weapons Nicoletta and America had secretly given them. August and Gavril take America to the hospital where she reunites with Aspen, who is severely injured but alive. He informs her that Maxon is also alive and is now the king, as both his parents were killed by the rebels. Aspen confesses to America that he still cares a lot about her, but isn't in love with her anymore. Lucy comes in at that moment and she and Aspen kiss, with America finally realizing and approving of their relationship.

She visits Maxon in his room where he is recovering from his wound. He tells her his decision about dissolving the castes, starting with the Eights merging with the Sevens and so on. He then gives her a beautiful engagement ring, officially asking her to marry him. She happily accepts his proposal.

In the epilogue, America prepares for her wedding with Maxon, having Marlee as her only bridesmaid. Marlee and her husband Carter are restored to her castes, as the attendants of the royal couple. The coronation will also be part of the wedding, where Maxon and America will be crowned as the new King and Queen of Illéa. Aspen, who will soon get married to Lucy, walks America down the aisle and gives her to Maxon, the two men now respecting each other. Maxon calls America "my dear" and they both smile, ready to exchange their wedding vows.

In the bonus epilogue, 2 years have passed after their wedding. America organizes a party for Maxon's birthday. We learn that Marlee and Carter have a 1 year old son, Kile. May has adjusted to the royal life and has become the "media darling". During the party, Maxon and Aspen have a conversation about married life.Maxon admits that he and America still argue sometimes, although this has died down a lot. Aspen feels a bit overwhelmed to be married, so Maxon proposes that him and Lucy should find their own home outside of the palace, a gift from the royal couple. America has a private conversation with Maxon where she gives him his birthday present: she announces to him that she is expecting their baby. They are both in happy tears and they rush inside the palace to continue the celebration.


  • "I apologize for being out of uniform, sir."— Aspen Leger to Maxon Schreave
  • "Come out, Mer, it's Max." — Maxon Schreave
  • I found myself admiring them, wondering at the courage it took to run toward danger for the sake of other people. — America Singer about the palace guards.
  • There is a different kind of beauty that comes with humility and honesty. — America Singer
  • I watched as the palace was transformed. Almost overnight, lush Christmas trees lined the hallways of the first floor, garlands were strung down the stairways, and all the floral arrangements were changed to include holly or mistletoe. — America Singer about the palace getting ready for Christmas.
  • "No one will know. And seeing as you were with the prince, I won't ask questions. Whatever you did, I'll trust it was something important." — Anne to America Singer
  • Love is stronger than war. — America Singer
  • "I need your help." Without batting an eye, he responded, "Anything." — America Singer and Aspen Leger
  • "I didn't stand a chance, did I?" — Celeste Newsome to America Singer
  • "Are you scared?" he asked. "No." "Me neither." But I was pretty sure we were both lying. — Maxon Schreave and America Singer
  • I felt our noses brush in the dark, and the urge to kiss him came unexpectedly fast.— America Singer
  • "It makes me nervous to feel some of the things I do. But I want you to know, I'm still looking at you, too."
  • His body was now up against mine, his hand low on my back, holding me to him.— America Singer
  • Her eyes became sympathetic. "America, you are full of nothing but bad ideas. Great intentions, but awful ideas." — Marlee Woodwork to America Singer
  • The best people all have some kind of scar. — America Singer
  • We were friends who realized they didn't want to be without each other. We were the other's opposite in many ways but also so very similar. I couldn't call our relationship fate, but it did seem bigger than anything I'd known before. — America Singer
  • "You're breaking a lot of rules, Miss Singer." "You're the prince. You can just pardon me." — Maxon Schreave and America Singer
  • These small words were the most frightening thing to pass between us. Because once they were out there, we could never take them back.
  • When I'm with him I feel like I'm America. I'm not a caste or a project. He's just him, and I'm just me. — America Singer about Maxon Schreave.
  • "This isn't happily ever after. It's so much more than that." — America Singer (The last lines of The One)
  • ''Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyways.'' — Maxon to America

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Once registered, you can participate in dozens of online surveys during commutes or free time.

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TaskBucks is an online survey and tasking app primarily aimed at residents of India and the Indian subcontinent. It follows the style of America’s Swagbucks in several ways. This is one of the money making apps for Android which is simple to use and allows you to complete online surveys, post product reviews, write experiences required by the app and complete other small tasks.

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Rewardable app pays real cash not like money making apps such as Google Opinion Rewards where you get credits. This particular app is only for users living in US.

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Here, you can earn cash by watching free videos or sharing the ones you make. Additionally, Slidealso has a referrals program. Meaning, you earn points for every member you refer and successfully enroll to use the Slide app.

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Most of the surveys posted on this app are very simple and can be completed within minutes. However, they are available only to residents of the US. Other than surveys, you can rate movies, TV shows, write product reviews and shopping experiences, among other tasks.

Survey On The Go pays your rewards through PayPal. Additionally, some surveys on this app entitle you to receive freebies such as samples for testing and review before they are launched in the market.

So these were 20 Best money making apps which you can install and earn some extra $500 to $1000.

Monday 15 July 2019

Make money online from Pinterest

Looking for ways to make money with Pinterest? Rather than looking at Pinterest as a simple photo-sharing network, consider it your own global bulletin board. In November of 2013, Pinterest had 70 million users, 80 per cent of them women, and received 2.5 billion page views per monthsThere are many ways to make money with Pinterest, and as the network continues to grow, your opportunities will grow too.
Let’s look at some effective ways in which you can make money with Pinterest.

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1. Follow your passion, build an audience and sell to them.
What are you passionate about? If people are spending money in an area you love, you can make money.

Let’s say you’re a fitness junkie. You love being fit, and staying fit. You choose a target audience: women in their twenties who want to be fit and attractive. Create a Pinterest account and boards that attract this audience.
Get followers to your boards, and create a mailing list. Some keen Pinterest users have a million followers and more. You don’t need that many followers to your account to sell to your audience. If you don’t know what to sell, don’t worry. Once you have a few thousand followers, marketers will approach you with offers.

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2. Choose a company to promote, and ask for sponsorship.
Target a group, and build your Pinterest followers as we discussed above. Then select companies offering products that appeal to your audience. Staying with our “fitness” audience, you could approach companies that sell gym machines, or sports drinks.
Share your Pinterest account’s statistics with the companies you approach, and ask for sponsorship. Offer them a deal: they can use their branding on your account for a year.
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3. Promote affiliate products.
Many companies want affiliates who will promote their products for a small commission on the sales that result. Find companies that sell products you can promote, and sign up as an affiliate. Then promote the products on your boards, using your affiliate links.
Tip: use an URL-shortening service like Bitly to manage your links. You’ll be able to track your pins and boards for the number of clicks.
Regarding spamming. Periodically Pinterest takes action against affiliate marketing spammers. If you get caught up in this, link your pins to your own website, where you can use affiliate links

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4. Use search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to get found on Pinterest.
If you want to make money on Pinterest, people have to be able to find your pins and boards, so use SEO strategies. Not only will you be found on Pinterest, you’ll also be found via the major search engines, like Google.

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Make the most of your “About” profile. You’ve got 200 characters (around 50 words.) Be clear and descriptive, using the keywords you expect searchers to use.
Also, use SEO strategies on your pins. Each pin allows you 500 characters (around 100 words) of description, so make the most of it by adding keywords and links. Include keywords naturally, rather than in a spammy way.
5. Create contests on Pinterest to sell your own products.
Perhaps you want to sell your own products on Pinterest. Consider creating contests. They’re popular, and can help you to make money.
However, keep Pinterest’s guidelines in mind:

Pinterest guards its users’ experience. This is wonderful because it ensures that the network will continue to grow.
6. Re-pin others’ pins to win an audience and make money.
Pinterest is a social network, so the easiest way to get people to re-pin your pins is to be active. Pin others’ pins, particularly those people in your target audience. They will notice you, and may even start following your boards.
7. Make money by teaching Pinterest strategies to others.
As Pinterest continues to grow, a small industry has developed around it, with people developing tools to help Pinterest users.
After you’ve been using Pinterest successfully for a while, consider making money by teaching your strategies to others. Create e-books and courses teaching what you’ve learned.
So there you have it: seven effective ways to make money with Pinterest. You’ll also develop further strategies of your own when you become active on the network.
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War teaser:

War Teaser: Hrithik Roshan & Tiger Shroff’s face off leaves Disha Patani, Ananya Panday & others excited

Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff starrer War is a complete action film with high octane stunts. The teaser was released today and many Bollywood stars like Ananya Panday, Disha Patani and more are rooting for Hrithik and Tiger’s upcoming film. Take a look.

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Monday seems to have kicked-off on an action note for many of Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff’s fans. The much awaited title of Hrithik and Tiger’s action flick was revealed along with a teaser which has left fans in awe of the stars. The film stars Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff in the lead roles with Vaani Kapoor as the female lead. War’s teaser has Hrithik and Tiger at each other’s throats. Hungry for blood, both the light-eyed superstars take on each other. 
From chasing each other to trying to knock off one other, Tiger and Hrithik do everything that a fan wants to see. And it isn’t just the fans who are excited, even Bollywood celebs like Ananya Panday, Disha Patani, Karan Johar, Punit D Malhotra and more are rooting for the two superstars. Ananya took to Instagram to comment on the teaser and mentioned that she is way to excited to watch it. Disha, on the other hand, wrote, “Its insane.”
While Karan Johar took to Twitter and wrote, “Now this is what you call a teaser!!!!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!! War!!!! Box office mania!!!!!!”, many of Hrithik and Tiger’s fans are still trying to recover from the super action packed teaser of less than a minute in which, both the superstars are trying to kill each other.